I needed to find a String in a text file, so I wrote(rather hacked) a scheme imlementation of the boyer moore string search algoritm.
This is just a hack. But it is commented. What do you think?
(I decided to use this blog also as my cut-paste-source from now on.)
Some utility definitions are missing from the above code, these are:
The above code might be complete bullsh*t, I dont know I just hacked it down while reading the wikipedia article of the algorithm. I didn't bother to lookup a reference implementation...
Also it was like 4:00 am when I hacked it...(apologies accepted?)
This is just a hack. But it is commented. What do you think?
(I decided to use this blog also as my cut-paste-source from now on.)
;; searches for string using boyer moore algorithm
(define (>>boyer-moore needle haystack)
(define needle-len (string-length needle))
(define hs-len (string-length haystack))
(define r-needle-list (reverse (string->list needle)))
;; two tables are build
;; compute the bad character shift table
;; it contains the number of chars to skip, if a character is encountered that is not the last of the search string.
;; (this table is only used after the search cursor was replaced)
(define bad-char-shift-table
(let loop
((shift 0)
(nlist r-needle-list)
(table '()))
(if (eq? nlist '())
(if (assv (car nlist) table)
(loop (+ 1 shift) (cdr nlist) table)
(loop (+ 1 shift) (cdr nlist) `((,(car nlist) ,shift) ,@table))))))
;; the good char table contains the number of chars to skip forwar, if a substring starting from the
;; end of a needle was matched befor a mismatch occurs
;; it contains the next possible position from the current search position where a
;; string match might end...
(define good-suffix-shift-table
;; for every reverse substring define a shift value
(let char-pattern-loop
((pattern '())
(pattern-len 0)
(nlist r-needle-list)
(table '()))
(if (eq? nlist '())
`( ,@pattern ,(car nlist))
(+ 1 pattern-len)
(cdr nlist)
(,pattern ,(let loop
((shift 0)
(unmatched (car nlist)))
(if (equal? (ncar pattern-len (ncdr shift r-needle-list)) (ncar (- needle-len shift) pattern))
(if (eqv? shift needle-len)
(if (>= (+ shift pattern-len) needle-len)
(if (eqv? (car (ncdr shift nlist)) unmatched)
;; ok nicht gefunden weiter schieben/suchen
(loop (+ 1 shift) unmatched)
(loop (+ 1 shift) unmatched)))))))))
;; searching at a position
(define (search-needle-at index)
(letrec ((sub-hs (reverse (string->list (substring haystack index (+ needle-len index))))) ;; den kaefer erstma aufn ruecken drehen...
(first-char (car sub-hs)))
(if (eqv? first-char (car r-needle-list)) ;; first time is special
;; if the fist char matches, proceed with subpattern search
(let ((common (common-sublist sub-hs r-needle-list)))
(if (= (car common) needle-len)
0 ;; found
(cadr (assoc (cdr common) good-suffix-shift-table))))
;;if the first char did not match, look up shift in bad-char-shift table
(let ((shift (assv first-char bad-char-shift-table)))
(if (eq? shift #f)
needle-len ;; return the needle length if nothing better could be found in the bad-char jump table
(cadr shift)))))) ;; ...otherwise return the value obtained from the table
;; search mainloop
(let main-loop ((current-index 0))
(if (> (+ needle-len current-index) hs-len)
(let ((minimum-chars-to-skip (search-needle-at current-index)))
(if (= 0 minimum-chars-to-skip)
current-index ;; juhu found string!
(main-loop (+ current-index minimum-chars-to-skip)))))))
Some utility definitions are missing from the above code, these are:
;; returns the rest of the list after removing n elements
(define (ncdr n list)
(if (eqv? n 0)
(if (eq? list '())
(ncdr (- n 1) (cdr list)))))
;; returns the fist n items of the list
(define (ncar n list)
(let loop ((result '())
(rest list)
(c n))
(if (eqv? c 0)
(if (eq? rest '())
(loop `(,(car rest) ,@result) (cdr rest) (- c 1) )))))
;; return the common begining sublist of two lists
(define (common-sublist listA listB)
(let loop
((listC '())
(restA listA)
(restB listB)
(count 0))
(if (or (eq? restA '()) (eq? restB '()))
(cons count listC)
(if (eqv? (car restA) (car restB))
(loop `(,@listC ,(car restA)) (cdr restA) (cdr restB) (+ 1 count))
(cons count listC)))))
The above code might be complete bullsh*t, I dont know I just hacked it down while reading the wikipedia article of the algorithm. I didn't bother to lookup a reference implementation...
Also it was like 4:00 am when I hacked it...(apologies accepted?)