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UI-Design: View 2-D, Navigate 3-D?

Over-and-over again 3-D User Interface design was heralded "dead".

The flat 2-D screen is a natural fit for orthographic projection of flat imagery like 2-D spread sheets, tables, lists and linear text.

On the other hand, much of what is shown on a (2-D) screen is projected 3-D content, be it from computer games or from movies.

Most human beings navigate and move in the physical world, and the brain makes sense of this world by encoding it as a 3-D space, the brain is hardwired to process, remember filter and associate information in context of a 3-D world.

That's why I think that UX/UI design will benefit from using 2-D for data representation and form input, and closed-space 3-D for navigation through the application.


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