Haskell, a general-purpose, purely functional programming language, has become more and more interesting for me, it allows me to write maintainable code, with acceptable performance even for tasks like analyzing large log files. I recently discovered how easy it is to write programs interacting with a unix like environment. It also very easy to write networking code. Haskell offers great opportunities for TDD and SDD through HUnit and QuickCheck, which - together with the pure and strong static type system of the language itself - enable trust in program correctness, which is vital for many commercial applications, or applications exposed to increased security requirements. In order to leverage the outstandingly great features of Haskell, one has to have that beast running on a stable, proven and hence archaic and outdated operating system. Even if one is not a firm believer in magical awesomeness of Enterprise labels on top of ridiculously obsolete tools(like gcc 4.1 and glibc 2.5), ...
shared notes on programming, and some codesnippets