just after the previous post a talented composer (Boese) used the small framework for functional music in haskell for one of his compisitions. His work balances harmony and disharmony in an unbalanced way and thereby balances the unbalancing and balancing forces driving the excellent piece of modern algorithmic music. with his silent permission the source as well the interpretation is attached to this post. Here's the interpretation using an artifical Clarinet: play . Here's the source: boeseboese = Rest (2/4) :+: (hochlauf (-2) 3 boese) :=: (hochlauf (2) 3 boese) :+: boese boese = rpt 3 freak :=: rpt 3 ghoul :=: rpt 3 funk grund = (Note (Cis,5) 1) freak = rptm (Trans (round (abs (duration ghoul)))) 3 funk ghoul = akkord grund 0 funk = Trans terz grund :=: rptm (Trans quinte) 4 ghoul just append that to the previous program and adapt the main function. Maybe it's also worth mentioning, that this was the first piece of haskell code written by him. Haskell syntax helps to cre...
shared notes on programming, and some codesnippets